It was my interest for JRR Tolkiens world which gave me the name for this website.
Gelir is quenya and means merry.
Gelir is used as a quyenized forenam for Merri Gamgi in the never published alternate ending of Lord of the Rings
This web site is
about things interesting me, and hopefully interests others as well.
This web site is not
about me. I’m simply not interested in talking about myself. And further, I doubt anyone else would find it interesting reading.
This web site is
meant to be bilingual. We shall see how well I succeed.
Facebook et al.
I have not linked to facebook (or any other social media). I almost never write anyting on facebook anyway.
River Fyris
Picture is taken from New bridge in Uppsala towards the mill run (the fall actually) an early autumn day.
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Quisque in augue. Donec aliquam magna nonummy enim. Proin blandit imperdiet sem.
In sem ipsum
About this home page
This is a very small site, and deliberately so. Its purpose is to keep together a set of smaller websites each dedicated to some specific topic.
I hope it will be easier to navigate if each website is rather small. (Further I expect - or rather hope - smaller sites will be simpler for me to administrate.) The links are collected on the home page.
To the links
Pellentesque tincidunt
Fusce ac est vitae purus varius tristique. Phasellus mattis ornare ligula. Donec id nibh. Vestibulum metus quam ultrices in sagittis tincidunt gravida et sapien.
Nulla turpis
I who have made
this website is called Stefan Isaksson and lives in Uppsala. For a living I’m a busdriver, but I’ve been working as a railway guard (on Roslagsbanan, hence my interest of said railway) and I’ve also been in computer programming and taught college mathematics.
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